Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks) is the owner of the electricity transmission and distribution networks in Northern Ireland (NI), transporting electricity to 910,000 customers, including homes, businesses and farms.
Our role is to:
Our vision is to provide an electricity network that is capable of facilitating Northern Ireland’s overall plan to address climate change, which aims to achieve net zero carbon and affordable energy by ending our society’s reliance on fossil fuels and its associated price volatility.
Although full decarbonisation will require a range of renewable technologies, electrification has been identified as a key driver across energy, heat and transport. As the owner of an electricity network consisting of approximately 2,200km of transmission network and 47,000km of distribution network, our reach into homes, farms and businesses means that the capacity, accessibility, and reliability of the network is critical. To meet demand, NIE Networks is embarking on a once-in-a-generation overhaul in the design, management and operation of the electricity network.
In this context, NIE Networks has set out in our ‘RP7 business plan’ a £2.55 bn investment in the transmission and distribution electricity network over the period stretching from 2025 to 2031.
As the asset owner and manager, NIE Networks develops the network and constructs new assets as they are required. We also set the parameters within which the System Operator for Northern Ireland (SONI) can operate the transmission network and work closely with them as they plan transmission infrastructure projects in Northern Ireland.
We continue to emphasise the need for a support scheme for new renewable generation, for improvements in the planning system and for connection policy reform.
NIE Networks is also committed to behaving sustainably in our own practices. We recognise that our activities have environmental and societal impacts and that we should responsibly manage these impacts while supporting sustainable economic development. The company is a committed partner in the global effort to achieve net zero carbon and are members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change “Race to Zero” campaign, which is a global campaign to rally support from businesses, cities, regions and investors for a zero-carbon recovery worldwide.
Our Sustainability Action Plan aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and industry specific European Association for DSOs (E.DSO) Sustainable Grid Charter.
Through employment, taxes and supplier contributions, NIE Networks contributed £190 million to the local economy in Northern Ireland in 2023.