Ards and North Down Borough Council recognises that in the context of a global climate emergency, there can be no more ‘business as usual’ and that we must fundamentally change the way we plan, manage and operate so that both the Council and the Borough as a whole can become more sustainable. We are determined to seize every opportunity to deliver services and enhance our Borough in ways that are practical and resource-efficient.
In recent years the Council has made good progress on introducing a number of sustainable processes into our services, but we recognise that there is still much work to do. To formalise our various sustainability commitments into one document we have developed our Roadmap to Sustainability, which will run from 2021-2028.
Ards and North Down Council are pleased to invite your business to participate in the Green Adaptation Programme (GAP)—an exclusive, fully funded initiative (worth £2,450) helping SMEs reduce carbon emissions, cut energy costs, and access green finance.
In partnership with Ards and North Down Borough Council and Carbonfit, the Green Adaptation Programme (GAP)—includes:
A significant benefit to GAP participant enterprises is 12 month membership to the Carbonfit Carbon Accounting Platform to include a Baseline pack and working towards Carbon Essentials pack, follow link for more details:
CarbonFit | Carbon Accounting and Carbon Reduction Solutions
With expert guidance, selected businesses will be supported to identify opportunities to reduce emissions by at least 10% and strengthen their eligibility for green finance opportunities, including loans and grants.
Eligibility: SMEs based in Ards and North Down.
Express your interest today (only a few places remaining ) !
Click here to complete the expression of interest form (deadline extended until 24/1/25)
Click here to schedule a call with Ben Craig from Carbonfit for any questions you might have.
City Hall The Castle Bangor BT20 4BT